
Want to connect your Schools/Institution with US Schools

Want to connect your Schools/Institution with US Schools
Student Exchange Program
Only schools that are certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) are authorized to issue I-20s so students can apply for F1 student visas.

This page will show you which schools are on the list:

Only schools that are certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program are authorized to accept international students. You can use this page to make sure the school you are interested in is certified. 

Note: This list is updated each Wednesday, if you do not see your school listed please check back on Wednesday for the most current information. The addresses provided in this database are mailing addresses, not the physical location of the campus. Please visit the school’s website or call the school directly for more information.

Search for a certified school by school name, city, state, or any combination of the three fields. If your search results return more than 18 schools, use the First, Last, or arrow buttons to navigate through the list.

Certified US School List : Download

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